Your Dermal Filler and Anti-Wrinkle Injection FAQs Answere

Dr Allanah Dermal Filler Q&A

The world of aesthetic medicine has evolved significantly over the last few years, meaning that there are now a selection of excellent and extremely safe treatments and tweakments that are proven to deliver noticeable, lasting results. With many different treatment options to consider, it isn't always easy to determine which treatments will help you to achieve the best outcomes. So, I thought I would answer some frequently asked questions here today.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that can restore lost volume, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and contribute to a refreshed and rejuvenated looking complexion. Many dermal fillers utilise the hydrating properties of hyaluronic acid, which instantly adds volume to the treatment area.

What Can Dermal Fillers Treat?

Dermal fillers can provide a refreshed and rejuvenated complexion, providing fullness to deflated cheeks or adding contour for a more structured look. Dermal fillers can also be used to lengthen the chin, even out facial proportions, reduce the appearance of folds and wrinkles around the mouth and chin, and to create the ideal ratio between the chin, nose and lips.

Dermal fillers are a popular option for patients wanting to obtain fuller, plumper looking lips. In addition to restoring lost volume, they can also improve symmetry between the upper and lower lips, smooth vertical lip lines, and refine the overall shape of flat or thin lips.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

There are a number of different factors that influence the length of time that dermal fillers will last, including the placement, the density of the filler used, and the patient's natural metabolism. Generally, results can last anywhere between four and 18 months.

What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

Anti-ageing injectable treatments work by temporarily relaxing the muscles in the face that are responsible for causing fine lines and wrinkles. This type of treatment can be used to treat a number of areas on the face, including on the forehead and around the mouth, nose and eyes.

What Results Can I Expect From Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

Anti-ageing injectables provide noticeably smoother skin and can soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a noticeably fresher and more youthful appearance. They can also smooth out frown lines and raise eyebrows to achieve a well-rested and open-eyed look.

Additionally, anti-ageing injectables can also be used to reduce the discomfort and pain associated with jaw clenching or the habitual grinding of the teeth when small doses are injected directly into the masseter muscle.

How Long Do Anti-Wrinkle Injection Results Last?

Typically, results will last between three and six months. I always recommend waiting at least three months between treatments, as this will help to ensure that you experience the optimal outcomes from each treatment. However, your practitioner should work with you to create a treatment plan, which should ideally look at your skin goals from a holistic perspective and incorporate high quality skin care products with aesthetic treatments to help you achieve your dream complexion.

What Other Injectable Treatments Are Available?

If you are looking to treat an area with delicate skin, such as the décolletage, on the cheeks, or the neck, you may find that traditional dermal filler treatments either aren't suitable or may not give the results you are hoping to achieve. The good news is that there are other treatments to consider, including Profhilo, which uses a stabilised form of hyaluronic acid to stimulate the skin's own natural collagen production process. This treatment can be particularly effective at treating areas that are prone to sagging and laxity, which are typically the more delicate parts of our face and body, as well as restoring lost hydration and radiance.

If you have any further questions or you would like some more information regarding the treatments we offer here at the clinic, please get in touch whenever you're ready.


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